Page 1 - Reviews - Nature's Answer, Lomatium Root, Alcohol-Free, 1,000 mg , 1 fl oz (30 ml) - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Mar 14, 2024
Verified Purchase
Rewarded Review

I've been exploring natural remedies for immune support and came across Nature's Answer Lomatium Root extract, which is alcohol-free and boasts a potency of 1,000 mg in a 1 fl oz (30 ml) bottle. Here's a concise review based on my experience: The first thing I appreciated about this product was its alcohol-free formulation. It's great for those of us who prefer to avoid alcohol for personal or health reasons. The dropper makes it convenient to use, allowing for precise measurement of each dose. Lomatium Root is not as widely known as some other herbal remedies, but it has a reputation for supporting the immune system, and I was curious to see if it lived up to the hype. After using it for a few weeks, especially during a time when I usually feel under the weather, I noticed that I felt more resilient and less prone to the sniffles that often plague me. The taste is quite strong and earthy, which might be off-putting for some. However, I found that mixing it with a bit of water or juice made it much more palatable. It's a small trade-off for the benefits it offers. In terms of effectiveness, it's always hard to quantify with herbal supplements, but I felt an overall improvement in my wellbeing. I can't say for certain it was all due to the Lomatium Root, but it seemed to contribute positively to my health during its use. Nature's Answer is a brand I trust for their commitment to quality and purity, and this product is no exception. It's made with wildcrafted Lomatium Root, which adds to its appeal, knowing it's sourced from nature with minimal interference. In summary, Nature's Answer Lomatium Root is a potent, alcohol-free herbal extract that offers a natural way to support the immune system. Despite its strong taste, the potential health benefits and the quality of the product make it worth considering for those interested in herbal supplements.

Posted on Apr 18, 2024