Page 1 - Reviews - Ecological Formulas, Monolaurin, 600 mg, 90 Capsules - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Jul 25, 2023
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Rewarded Review

This product helped me tremendously, especially to identify the root cause of all of my awful "autoimmune" symptoms. That cause for myself and millions of other suffering people is the EBV virus, as well as CMV. I must have at least 200 supplements hanging around here. Some, I've had for years, some just because they were recommended on my journey of the last 10 years. This product is basically a fatty acid, which is able to bind to the cells of the EBV virus, which is also a fatty cell. Once bound, it begins to break down the cellular wall of the virus, attacking it, rendering it to a much weaker condition. The virus cell then releases neurotoxins into the bloodstream which is going to make a person feel really, really bad. That is what happened to me. My hands and feet, my whole body, really, became extremely inflamed from the releasing of the toxins, which then pass from your body, (out the exhaust pipe). Yeah, I had a really bad night. Among a couple more. And then I knew that I was on the right track. And then I started feeling better. And better and better. It's a process. Why this happened is because I took a small handful of the stuff, because I have been so frustrated for all of these years and all of these "specialist" doctors (whom really don't know much about mystery illness). I did this basically by accident. And now, a week later, I am much more able to take more of these capsules a day. And, as a huge bonus, I am finally beginning to heal. I am also taking other supplements recommended by the book "Medical Medium", bought from Amazon (thank you Amazon!) and changing my diet and the way I have been looking at things. I had to, for this virus was slowly, through a very torturous process, killing me. I am now getting my life back, really smiling and darn near crying as I write this. Believe me, I have been praying and crying for a long, long time. And now I'm laughing again and so very thankful to God and the author of the book. Also, buy his book on healing your thyroid. You will thank me when you do. Do yourself a favor and start living again. It's a wonderful feeling!