Page 2 - Reviews - Walden Farms, Asian Dressing & Marinade, 12 fl oz (355 ml) - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Jul 24, 2023
Verified Purchase
Rewarded Review

As someone always on the lookout for healthier alternatives, I was intrigued by Walden Farms' Asian Dressing & Marinade, which boasts being calorie-free, sugar-free, and fat-free. However, my excitement quickly turned to disappointment after trying this product. Taste: The first thing that struck me was the lack of authentic Asian flavor. The dressing had a strange artificial aftertaste, which made it challenging to enjoy. It lacked the complexity and depth of flavors that you would expect from a well-crafted Asian dressing. Texture: The texture was thin and watery, which further detracted from the overall experience. It didn't coat the salads or dishes well, leaving them bland and unappetizing. Health Claims: While the idea of a calorie-free, sugar-free, and fat-free dressing sounds appealing, it seems too good to be true. After inspecting the ingredients, it became evident that the product is filled with artificial additives and preservatives, which raised concerns about its overall healthiness. Versatility: I tried using this product both as a dressing and a marinade, but it failed to impress in either role. As a marinade, it lacked the ability to infuse flavors into the meat effectively, and as a dressing, it did little to enhance the taste of the salad. Packaging: The 12 fl oz bottle is sturdy and easy to handle, but the label's claims of being calorie-free and fat-free are prominently displayed, possibly misleading consumers looking for healthier options. Overall, the Walden Farms Asian Dressing & Marinade didn't live up to my expectations. While it may appeal to those seeking extremely low-calorie or sugar-free options, the taste, texture, and artificial ingredients were major drawbacks for me. I would recommend exploring other options that offer a more authentic and satisfying Asian dressing experience.